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Oigan alguien sabe cuál es el código secreto que aparece en el teléfono que está dentro del juego?


There's a code for bonus gallery images available in my browser game, Kawaii Character Creator. And a cheat code available on my Patreon.


Nice picture


Hi! I'm not really sure if its just me, but whenever I help the step-mom with her stretching, The menu always says I haven't done it yet? Am I doing something wrong or it just a bug?

I'm not even sure if i need to complete that to progress the story, CAN I progress the story? Or is it suppose to be like that until the new version comes up? I'm so lost

Please help me T.T

Hi! Sorry for the check bug, I'll take a look on that.

But don't worry, cos there is no content for stepmom beyond what is on the list, and there is no continuation for this part yet. This scene is kinda prototype for a more interesting story in the future.

You've probably completed them all ^^


Thank you so much! I'm glad you took the time to respond to me, That's really helpful! I guess I'll just sit tight and wait for the next update ^^

(2 edits) (+1)

So there's a really weird bug where I set names for everyone, set my stats, then when I try to start the game I click the arrow icon multiple times. Each time I click it changes the first name for one of the girls to be the same as another, and will only let me start the game when almost all of them have the same name. I'm using the same family name, so I wonder if the game is trying to match "family name", and thinking that should be first name instead of last?

Edit: Just tested, even with different names I get the same issue. 

I'd like to play it, but I honestly don't feel like it if everyone will just show up as having the same name

😱 Sorry for that. I didn't know about this bug.

Is it from the version 0.11? If so, it must be probably fixed when you play the following version, cos I reorganized the naming code to check if characters have the same name and don't allow it.

🤔 But if you're playing version 0.12, maybe the problem would be exactly the reworked system.

Criador teria alguma chance de ter uma rota harém ou seria escolha única?

O plano principal é harém. O jogador escolhe se quer todo mundo ou não :)

deveras interessante obrigado pela resposta 


Damn,this game improving a lot

🥰 Thank you! 💛


When to include erotic scenes

Don't know yet


You may have forgotten me, but I've been lurking since 0.1, so glad to see it developed to this point, I'm still gonna save this up tho, I don't wanna be cliffhanged, I know you'll make a great game! Keep up!

🤗 Thank you! Will do my best 💛

(1 edit) (+1)

DUDE!!! THE INTRO/MUSIC IS AMAZING!!, it feels like those anime slice of life, which is AWESOME! You may still updating the game, and no sex scene, but the music, oh my.. The music is so wholesome and horny. Here's hoping it wont take long to an actually sex scenes, but until then, I'll wait. Good work, keep it up. 

🤗 Thank you so much for this feedback! 💛
I hope I won't take too long to make those scenes ;-;


Is there a way to go back to the doctor's office after you've already been there once?


Not yet, but I intend to make it available in the future.


Are you horny cuz you downloaded this? Or you downloaded this cuz your horny


What is this. And why you post this

Nah, I'd cum


I have a question, if I pay the 9 dollars, will I receive the full game? or will I have to pay 9 dollars every time there is a new update?

Once i think. I have never paid for the game

The payment is not one-time purchase, it's just for the current version.


i love it

Thank you for the feedback! 💛


i paid two separate times because i didnt pay attention to the fact that you have to pay $9 to get the full game. any way i can get the full game i can show that i paid the $


Hi, no problem! I checked it here on the dashboard, and saw your payments. I'll send you an email to your account address, ok?


thank you. i need to pay attention more lo

Are there any s-scenes?

No :c

Why does my game is in 0.10.0 version when I want to download latest version 

If you're seeing it from the android apk info, don't worry, cos I probably forgot to update the number.

You can check what version the game current is in the about session on the Main Menu. If it's not 0.11.1, tell me please! 🙏


Oh ok thanks you . It's 0.11.1 on the menu dont worry . Will the 0.12.0 version will be free and if yes when? and I love your work by the way 🔥

^^ Yes, the update schedule is explained here on the game page.

It’s that time of the year again

(3 edits)

No it's not

I don’t even need to click the link to find out what it is. Or whatever it can be.

Take a guess

真的没有作弊吗 总之做的可以加油吧  毕竟免费一切小毛病都可以理解


can i update instead of redownloading the game

(1 edit) (+1)

Not possible

Buenas tardes como estás?, me encanta el juego, muy bonito y muy bien detallado, con mucho cariño. Tenía algunas dudas ya que soy nuevo jugando este juego y quería saber si me podías ayudar.

1. Después del Día 2 siento que me he quedado estancado, no encuentro que más hacer para progresar y mis estadísticas van por encima de 100.

2. He jugado 2 minijuegos del mismo, ¿Cuánto minijuegos hay actualmente?

3. Cómo consigo trabajo en el juego?.

4. Solo puedo movilizarme entre escuela y casa principal. Me falta desbloquear sitios.

5. Que puedo hacer en el móvil?

Esas serían mis dudas, agradceria mucho si las pudieses responder. Nuevamente gracias por tan bonito y trabajado juego, me gusta su humor y sus textos .

Saludos y que tengas un hermoso día 👋


el juego solo tiene hasta el dia 2


todo lo demas esta en proceso 


How do I proceed with the story after the first day

Just check the list of contents to know what could be missing ^^ There's also a guide menu on the ❓ button.


this game looks very cute and charming how far are you in the main story

Thank you! ;-; It's still at the beginning.


Im surfing through the web and i came across and its my 1st i see a opening for a game like this haha

✊😔 I couldn't control my anime feelings


Could you post an explanation for all the personality types here or in the game? I want to check quickly.



There's no much else about that, it's simply the base cliché personality stuff xD

(1 edit)

Will it be more animations or GC? It looks like I could be my humor maybe, so now I just want to make sure what to expect for the scenes and is this a chase where every update becomes a public release at some point ?

I just have to make my decisions and as soon as I can tell how much I love it I will put my money into it I suppose i don't know how to ask about this without one fan complaining.

Thank you for your interest :)

I don't know what is GC but I intend to make more animations xD

About the public versions, it's explained here on the page description ^^

Maybe I got it wrong, but I meant still images with just some flavour text. 

sorry sometimes I write my english from the context and my memory.

Something I heard or saw a lot blah blah ect.

Oh man okay i take another look, that happens sometimes.

Maybe I didn't pay enough attention that's always possible and english is not my main language, but to me your not sure if you want to keep the public version aviable, might move the early access version on patreon to as the new free version and I forgot the third thing mentioned.

I finally tossed out to games that made me trying to decite the level of quality they have.  This at least is funny already.

How do u start the game after customizing the names and stuff?


Click on the main character and you’ll see the charisma, strength and intelligence. There is some small plus buttons. When you complete that, you can play :)

thanks! Btw after ur second schoolday, its really boring im at monday second week and its very repetitive

so there's slider for hentai/kind , but i can not change it, is there way to ?


Its based on ur actions in game

Deleted 69 days ago

There’s a button on your left, showing your house/school

Deleted 153 days ago

You need to finish some steps first before be able to go back home. You can check it on the list of contents :)

Any scenes in the demo or any scenes at all that are currently aviable? I would like to be able to try out everything during the demo.

I'm posting a devlog for every update here on You can check it to see what is available in the current version ^^

(1 edit)

Your right, okay thank you.  Everytime it seems different on though, I guess I need to remember to look.

Seems funny though. How big do you want the game to be?

I heard from people that sometimes they bought a game and had to pay again after an update sooo.....what if I decite to buy it now?, not sure when the demo ends.

What if the game wants me to pay again because of a mistake is there something we can do then?

It let's me pay with paypal right?

Hello, What are the ways to earn lusts? I have the intimate and loves at full bar, except for the lust bar. it's basically nearly impossible to earn them since I can't figure out how.

Hi, you can check all about lust, love, and intimacy in the guide menu. It's a button with a ❓or❗

Gente!!!! Olha q deu no meu jogo


Esse erro provavelmente ocorre quando você passa mais de 15 notificações na tela antes da primeira desaparecer. Perdão, pretendo substituir esse script.


de boa só tomei um susto na hora mais tá ok

Eu sei q pode ser meio idiota essa pergunta mais como dali dóli numa personagem e eu n sei oq fazer pq eu tô com afinidade com as parentes mais n tem nada de novo e estou no dia 14 tá muito sedo ou eu tô fazendo alguma coisa errada???

Deleted 151 days ago
(1 edit)

Desculpa 👉👈,sinceramente acabei de baixar sem ve por ter legenda Br mais tá bem foda espero dev continua pq tem futuro 


pls add update i really love this game so much


🤗 Updated! 💛 Thank you!


Tem algum cheat disponível se sim como usa


✨✊😌✨ UPDATE!


there is a bug when in the begining when the blond chick say welcum to the city it gives me a error

Hi, the game is updated now!

Can you test if it is still occurring please? 🙏 I hope it works, but if not, could you also show me the error message here and tell me what OS you are playing on so I can try to replicate it here and see how to fix it?

Some people have reported this error, but it never happens to me, so I don't really know what causes it to happen. It simply appears to some people and not others ;-;


I absolutely love the game so far, cant wait to see this get updated and follow the progress

Thank you! 💛



"Current content" graph is such a nice idea👍

😁 Thank you!

When will the game actually be ready to play seems like a great game just cant do much yet???

This game has been released for more than an year. If ”ready to play” means h-scene, then it should be added soon

;-; Doin' my best

Are the scenes voice acted?

Not really. There are no scenes with narrated sentences. Just a few short sounds like laughing/giggling, moaning, and... '-' vomiting.

(1 edit)

Quiquersson being online means the update is ready :) nice

(1 edit)

🤣 Oh no! it seems that my image is not very good about being present here.

No you are just not online for the whole month. Then you’re suddenly here.


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