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please for the love of god. let us turn off that text sound. i beg you


This noise just isn't attached to a volume slider, I found that if you click mute all this noise will mute and then you can turn on the other volume sliders individually to play the game with all the audio except the annoying text noise. I was about 30 seconds away from tearing up the game files to get rid of this sound when i figured it out.

Just slide down the beep sound slider.

If it doesn't work, do as the bro said here. Click to mute and them slide them back. :p I think it's from an old audio channel that continued on the game. I should take a look on that.


How to get step sister masturbating scene?


you need to get her lust high


Is there any way to adjust the volume of the text as it reads, the sound is incredibly loud and obnoxious, it would be a lot more tolerable or pleasant if it was much much quieter

Nah not now

there is i figured it out.


This noise just isn't attached to a volume slider, I found that if you click mute all this noise will mute and then you can turn on the other volume sliders individually to play the game with all the audio except the annoying text noise. I was about 30 seconds away from tearing up the game files to get rid of this sound when i figured it out.

Just slide down the beep sound slider.

If it doesn't work, do as the bro said here. Click to mute and them slide them back. :p

I think it's from an old audio channel that continued on the game. I should take a look on that.


You can date a girl with public acess or early acess?

Not yet


The game looks really promising, I played it for about an hour and it kept me glued to the screen.

A small downside is that even though there is an option to select the Italian language, once it's set, the subtitles do not appear.

Since I know English, it's not a big issue for me, but it's always nice when some games offer this option


Thank you so much! 💛

;u; Yeah, the Italian and some other translations have just been done up to this point.


There will be pregnancy?




I would also like to know if we can Impregnate the girls at some point. Nothing says love like a planned pregnancy imo. Two people vowing to make and raise a life together is heartwarming, plus pregnant girls are hot.

Probably not. At least, not for some years :p

Someone tell me how to get the scene of Graciela in the studios and I would appreciate it if the other girl were to stay overnight, I don't know what else to do.

;u; I don't remember a studio, sorry. Who is Graciela in your game? xD

If the other girl is the neighbor, more contents with her staying overnight should be added in the future.

Graciela no xd the clumsy girl who masturbates while we teach her class


i played the game over a 4 hours and i finished the story but i didn't have sex once and never seen many scenes like fighting and swimming is that natural or my game is broken?

You just have to get their lust high… or maybe just me cause I’ve been playing for a while…

If you played 0.17, consider checking the 0.18 now.

  • Sex scene requires you to be at swimming pool at the end of the afternoon after complete the main story and unlock sex-doll character type
  • Fighting scene was removed from the game;
  • Swimming moments can be seen from study button in the swimming pool, or by unlocking swimming and tutoring skills and ask for a swimming tutoring job on student council

Promising But a good amount of issues namely exp and lust gauges also the new sex scene is either sensitive or insensitive

Do you mean it's buggy for you? Sorry, I didn't understand well ;u;

I keep crashing every single time when I reach the class scene

If an error appears, please let me know. You can show the code here, or on Discord.

(1 edit) (+1)

Great game but I don't understand a lot about the later stages. The cousin doctor says to get close to people once intimacy is maxed but nothing ever happens for anyone.


yeah I have maxed out two characters but I don't know how I am able to date someone. unsure how to proceed


You do it on early access or public access?

For now some of them just react better and change some dialogues, but there's no much content yet beyond the list of contents :p


The phone is buggy as hell. The gallery specifically. also the phone wallpaper says it updates, but never doe

I'll be doing a minor update soon and fix phone bugs. Thank you for your report!


I normally never pay a cent for games that name your own price but i enjoyed this one so much even without the H scenes! Its funny, cute and kept me wanting to play! I cant wait for more updates and am currently downloading early access! keep it up please and TAKE MY MONEY! :)

💕🥺👉👈💕 Thank you so much! 💛


Nah, I'd Taste





ok so uh...super weird...this is only the 2nd time I have not been able to play a game in my entire life...I can't get past the character/family origin creator...yes go ahead and laugh, I'll try again tomorrow...but if I can't do it for whatever reason, someone else cannot do it as well sadly...

The public update have some changes in character creation. Could you check and tell me if it's working now please?

It's working smoothly!.! I got right through with no problems, lookin forward to the story!.! Thanks much!.!

Fix the skin 🙏🏻

Sex scene in mobile is kinda buggy 😔

Sometimes the d*ck isn't moving 

When you play manually your d*ck will bug but in auto there's no bug just the manual is buggy

And the sperm sergon wcus you literally c*m idk if this is a bug or something 

Deleted 139 days ago

Nigga it is mystery of century

I refined sex scene a little bit more on update 0.19. Will try to keep improving it. Thank you for the feedback! xD


If i get early access now i will i have to pay again for future early access?



I tested it by purchasing in other account and can access any new update from the email I received from Itch ^^

i am the only that have problems in the moment to load a save game

If it have error, please show me here or on discord!

What do I do with the doctor? I just go, talk and leave. What else do I do?

You can get bonus points for other characters by talking about them.

😎 And you can hug her!

If you complete the main content, spermogram is unlocked as hang out interaction.

But consider the game is still in early stage of development and doesn't have much content.


How do you get the h scene with the physical education sempai that needs to be done?

Need to finish the main content to unlock sex-doll character types, then, spend time on the swimming pool at the end of the afternoon.


Hey im maxed out on love and lust for like 4 girls and nothing has happened and i cant find anything to do. Is that all there is so far just grind to level them up and nothing else. Cuz the only ones ive seen so far are roght at the start of the game and the doctor

Have u gotten the payed version? Bc i have and i have the same issue

The game is still in early stage of development and doesn't have much content. That's why I limited the intimacy maximum to 10 :p

(2 edits) (+1)

you need to explain better the yoga minigame it says to click and hold but that causes pain and when to let go she still gets pain either the detection is bugged or you left something out also the help[ button doesn't help it gives a different description as there is no arrow to show what I need to do

I think the game is just bugged as when I let go the character doesn't and the yoga minigame is the first step with the character

Ohhhh! You're right! I left the previous command in the description 😁 Thank you so much for the report!!

Try to control your hold and click to always leave the big bar in a point where her pain bar growing the lowest possible, so she can grow her flexibility without overdo herself ^^

I'll be adding the following description to a minor update soon.

"Click and hold the screen to stretch the girl leg, and release it to release the stretching. Control your holding and releasing time to increase her flexibility by 100% before the time ends, without leaving the pain bar reach 100%."


how i get money?



  1. Get tutoring skill, and swimming if you want
  2. Go to Student Council and ask for a tutoring job
  3. Consider spending perks in performance and knowledge talents to improve your rewards.

Unable to leave character creation on v0.17.1. After dealing with naming screen, getting checks on all of it, arrow in top left flashes, bring me to spend points that i have 0 of (or at least 0 spent). Clicking on anything only makes a sound, but never spends any points or gives an option to start the game.

What am I missing?

Thank you for the report!!

The public update have some changes in character creation. Could you check and tell me if it's working now please?


How do i get the map or fast travel?

I'm also missing 2 girls, how do i find them?

Fast travel is available on day 2. Consider checking the content list on character menu by clicking on the list and on the empty character icon when it appears to see how to find missing characters.


Hey, how many H scenes are there in the 0.17 public version? Also I see the cousin is a type of mentor, well how do I go and ask? Thanks!

Hi, there are a new one in 0.18. It's publibly available now! Have fun \o/


Bug fix; items you buy in store is not popping up in give interaction with the characters. Hi, In tutoring, swimming lesson, and H content of spermogram. Please make it so that this also gives exp for level up. And not just stat points, girls love, lust, and intimacy. Because there is only one way to level up when stat points, girls love, lust, and intimacy are max out in the current game, which is to make step sis cum. Also in spermogram it doesn't give exp, when there is a dialogue in the upper left (you and ----) cum together. I hope it gets fixed. thanks you

Thank you so much for your feedback!!! 🙏

I'm adding the XP on spermogram content right now on a minor update ^^

For some reason I can't make a new save every time I make a new save the game crash

😨 Woow... Haven't seen it yet :v

Maybe it's a disk space? I don't know, sorry ;-;

Anyway, game updated in some days, consider download an updated version to see if it works :p

Deleted post
Deleted post

Hey so I'm playing on Android (redmi 9) 0.17.1 version and on day 2 when multiple girls come on screen the game gets extremely laggy and u cannot progress cause the text doesn't load, any way to fix it with settings or will it be fixed in another public version?

(1 edit)

Sorry for that. I think I optimized it a little better on 0.19 version. It may be publicly available soon :p


Is the fucking feature available on the public access?

Not yet.

Now it is :)

o/ Have fun!

Hey broskie, I find the game nice and all that but I want to rehabilitate myself into life very much, I started learning the instruments and I also started going to the church. I won't be playing anymore of this but please do continue for other players, I know it contradicts my beliefs that I am not discouraging you to stop doing this, but who am I to stop somebody to do what they love and what they live for.

I haven't access the sex scenes and probably never will, 

When does the "expected content thems" going to be like out?

Check for more.

;-; When I manage to do it.


Hey, It appears for me that I finished the content, but when I see the images for the game there are several scenes I didn't see, it is from a different version of Patreon or something like that?


yea some are early access and haveto wait for em to be released in a public update

Exactly ^^

I'd suggest you guys to check the devlogs to see what is added and what is already available.


Переведу ради ваших правых рук ребятки! :Р


It's a good game. But it's super hard to keep their lust up. And it all resets every day. So it's hard to progress

Thank you for your feedback! I'll try to balance better for earlier versions xD

Also, more ways to increase it should be added in the future ^^


Pass the code🗣🔥

its for patreon members and they've made it so its 1 time use and random each time. so youd haveto try convince a patreon member to give u a code


Oh..fuck the dev

i mean the game isnt hard to get the hang of tbh.

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