A friend managed to generate the apk through the PC game and said it was because Live2D was not enabled in the SDK when it was generated. He said he used CubismSdkForNative-4-r.7 in his sdk and with that the apk started working normally here.
I apologize in advance for asking my friend to make the apk without permission.
I apologize for any typing errors as I use Google Translate from PT-BR to English.
the nurse girl tells you that you have this disorder thing where you literally cannot produce life (can still ejaculate tho, i guess the sperm cells just die on the way out??)
;-; I think it's a bug for players that have cache from older versions.
Consider clicking to mute on the settings to disable and enable everything. That should completely disable the unused channels and keep just the current ones. Then, you can reduce the beep sound normally ^^
How many scenes are there in the free version? the game is kinda fun, but patreon is about the only thing that I'm still not doing and this isn't exactly about the payment either.
im new to this game and these type of games so im not rlly sure what to do in general, so i have a lot of questions. sorry for the spoonfeed request
1. is it preferable to focus on one girl if you want to unlock scenes/games from them?
2. how do i tutor for the android version?
3. how do i get the test results from the step cousin? ive checked the home-facade and there arent any other options other than shopping, school and return, and ive already went through all of the hours of each weekday.
hopefully i could get answers. the game is cute and silly. thank you ! :]
I LOVE THIS GAME!!! thank you so much for create it <333
I would like to support you in some way, but I have no money for subscriptions, so I simply show my thanks. Easily one of the best visual novels I've ever played!!!
Mano achei o jogo muito bom a princípio, porém a partir de um tempo ele fica muito repetitivo como por exemplo as falas e diálogos com os personagens sendo sempre os mesmos, poderia haver alguma diversidade de diálogos conforme oq o npc esteja fazendo ou o humor dele como acontece com a meia-irmã e não só quando aparece custcine, além de que a mesma coisa acontece com a rotina do personagem que ele só vai para a escola e para casa e ao fim de semana ele fica em casa, o que acaba fazendo a gente ter que pular as horas por não ter oq fazer poderia ter algum sistema de ao final de semana sair com a família, ir para um acampamento, uma praia ou uma viagem escolar por exemplo isso talvez pudesse conseguir através de missões ou comprando com dinheiro do jogo, isso resolveria o problema de ficar repetitivo também poderia mostrar todas as missões de uma vez que não precisaria fazer em ordem cada uma, mas isso não é tão precioso, poderia ter como pedir personagens em namoro e talvez conseguir uma poção do amor que faria personagens que não são namoraveis poderem ser. Depois do resultado da consulta com a prima percebi que deixaram um pouco as cenas h de lado no início mesmo tinha muitas mas depois disso vi poucas não sei se é porque eu jogava em uma versão antiga mas deveria ter mais variação. O jogo em si tem uma ideia ótima, as artes são boas e a jogabilidade também minha única resposta seria essa questão de ficar repetitivo e também daria pra melhorar um pouco as músicas de fundo colocando uma diferente para cada local.
A nova atualização chegou com mais opções de interação com os personagens, pra ficar menos repetitivo. 🤗 A maioria das coisas que você sugeriu estão nos planos! 💛 (menos a poção e coisas do tipo xD)
Vi que tu é brasileiro então vou comentar em português mesmo.
Acho incrível o rumo que seu jogo está tomando, meus parabéns! E simplesmente amo o estilo dos personagens, bom demais. A cada atualização melhorando muito, estou adorando acompanhar.
Confesso que me deu motivação pra continuar o meu próprio jogo, um dia quem sabe tomo vergonha na cara e público ele também.
siempre que puedas intenta darle un abrazo (no me recuerdo pero creo te de deja abrazarla 3 veses al día) (asegúrate primero de tener un love algo alto para que no rechace tus abrazos) como también interactúa con ella de noche (para ser más exacto come con ella lo que activará un mini evento lo cual te dará más lust)(ese mini evento también activará lo que estás buscando - mientras cumplas el lust requerido)
I really found all the minigames too difficult. In this type of game, I don't know if I want to have a difficulty barrier in the parts where the game shines. Besides that, I think the cast of characters is very good, I'm just a little disappointed that the game goes in a more echi than hentai direction. For me, it's a waste. In short, a lot of cutcharra and lenga lenga for very little action.
Enjoyed the game so far (especially art), but what should i do after visiting a doc? i completed day 1 and 2 and unlocked 5 school characters, but that seems to be it.
Cheats? No…? If you have some skills, try to change the game’s code (change the lust and everything). I’m just saying. I don’t have experience in these stuff
how many h scenes are in this game?I almost max out most characters and only like 1 of them outside of doc and sex-doll has a h scene, which is the fat girl during tutorial. how do I unlock the rest?
Just the ones showed on this page images. Stepsis requires high lust during her hang out at night, and the senpai girl requires you to complete the main storyline content first to unlock sex-doll characters.
So I'm playing on mobile, everything goes smooth and then I get to the "receive your exams results with (doctor name)" and I just can't figure out how to get The results, I've waited days and checked everything at the school, is there supposed to be a new "fast travel" option and my games broken or am I just stupid
Ive looked at the comments and seeing so many people having trouble with the game crashing or lagging makes me laug concidering ive never encountered either and im on android Lol
Yeah, I usually test it in a kinda old phone before releasing the game. It usually crashes just when I leave and return the screen.
Glad to know it doesn't happens with you 🙏 I usually just know if something is working well when there's no comment saying it doesn't. So thank you for letting me know! xD
I wasn't able to download the current public version from the itch.io desktop app. It only shows the 17.1 available. I had to log into itch.io's website to download the 18.0 update
Nah the game’s too complex for that. And it takes too long to complete the game, so playing on browser is not the best option (I don’t think you can save)
It's like IntenseLag said. From what I saw, web browser doesn't allow some features. I'm already having too much of a headache trying to optimize for mobile 😂😂😂
← Return to game
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I'm having an error when using the apk, it's giving error live2d
"I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/script.rpy", line 2008, in <module>
Exception: Could not load Live2D. b'libLive2DCubismCore.so' was not found."
Thank you for the report!
In what part dos it happen?
In case the game is not opening, consider clearing all game cache, uninstalling, and installing it again to see if it works.
This is when you start the game through the apk.
A friend managed to generate the apk through the PC game and said it was because Live2D was not enabled in the SDK when it was generated. He said he used CubismSdkForNative-4-r.7 in his sdk and with that the apk started working normally here.
I apologize in advance for asking my friend to make the apk without permission.
I apologize for any typing errors as I use Google Translate from PT-BR to English.
There's an android version here. You don't need to convert it xD
Thank you for your report! ^^
Is there/will there be impregnation/pregnancy?
Probably no
the nurse girl tells you that you have this disorder thing where you literally cannot produce life (can still ejaculate tho, i guess the sperm cells just die on the way out??)
...Exactly xD
How do I get the 3 scenes with the cousin?
Change your choices on her content and improve your score on the H minigame to get better endings :)
When you look at her and accept all her asks, your score also increases.
I understand, thank you, I understand
when will 1.20 be public?
Schedules are explained on page description ^^
Cute. But.. How do you disable the beep sounds? >w<
;-; I think it's a bug for players that have cache from older versions.
Consider clicking to mute on the settings to disable and enable everything. That should completely disable the unused channels and keep just the current ones. Then, you can reduce the beep sound normally ^^
How many scenes are there in the free version? the game is kinda fun, but patreon is about the only thing that I'm still not doing and this isn't exactly about the payment either.
I think the H scenes showed on the page images are mostly on the game already ^^
Thank you, once in a while I still have to get used to how it is on itch.io
It amazes me however what people need to put out a downvote, the only thing that I can image here is a patreon fanboy.
Una pregunta, cuando saldrá el acceso público de la versión 0.19.1 ??
When will the next major update be released
\o/ Now!!!
what fetishes are there?
🍷🗿 Anime girls
This game has got to be one of the funniest games I've played in awhile. Peak.
\o/ Thank you so much!
im new to this game and these type of games so im not rlly sure what to do in general, so i have a lot of questions. sorry for the spoonfeed request
1. is it preferable to focus on one girl if you want to unlock scenes/games from them?
2. how do i tutor for the android version?
3. how do i get the test results from the step cousin? ive checked the home-facade and there arent any other options other than shopping, school and return, and ive already went through all of the hours of each weekday.
hopefully i could get answers. the game is cute and silly. thank you ! :]
Thank you! ^^
Pregunta ¿como puedo ganar dinero? Boy al consejo a diferentes horas pero no me dicen nada aparte de unirme ya me uní y ni haci
You should enable the tutoring skill first to help girls studing. Also swimming skill to help them to swim :)
Muchas gracias
I LOVE THIS GAME!!! thank you so much for create it <333
I would like to support you in some way, but I have no money for subscriptions, so I simply show my thanks. Easily one of the best visual novels I've ever played!!!
🥰 Thank you so much!
Don't worry. You're already supporting me by commenting and playing. I'm glad you're enjoying my game so much 💛💛💛
Just realized, grandma its categorized as sex doll.... wut?
😎 Cos she's a naught girl
When does W2C 0.19.1 public access release?
When 0.20.0 release, which is the end of this month
NOW \o/
Mano achei o jogo muito bom a princípio, porém a partir de um tempo ele fica muito repetitivo como por exemplo as falas e diálogos com os personagens sendo sempre os mesmos, poderia haver alguma diversidade de diálogos conforme oq o npc esteja fazendo ou o humor dele como acontece com a meia-irmã e não só quando aparece custcine, além de que a mesma coisa acontece com a rotina do personagem que ele só vai para a escola e para casa e ao fim de semana ele fica em casa, o que acaba fazendo a gente ter que pular as horas por não ter oq fazer poderia ter algum sistema de ao final de semana sair com a família, ir para um acampamento, uma praia ou uma viagem escolar por exemplo isso talvez pudesse conseguir através de missões ou comprando com dinheiro do jogo, isso resolveria o problema de ficar repetitivo também poderia mostrar todas as missões de uma vez que não precisaria fazer em ordem cada uma, mas isso não é tão precioso, poderia ter como pedir personagens em namoro e talvez conseguir uma poção do amor que faria personagens que não são namoraveis poderem ser. Depois do resultado da consulta com a prima percebi que deixaram um pouco as cenas h de lado no início mesmo tinha muitas mas depois disso vi poucas não sei se é porque eu jogava em uma versão antiga mas deveria ter mais variação. O jogo em si tem uma ideia ótima, as artes são boas e a jogabilidade também minha única resposta seria essa questão de ficar repetitivo e também daria pra melhorar um pouco as músicas de fundo colocando uma diferente para cada local.
Sucesso mano
🙏 Muito obrigado pelo feedback!!!
A nova atualização chegou com mais opções de interação com os personagens, pra ficar menos repetitivo. 🤗 A maioria das coisas que você sugeriu estão nos planos! 💛 (menos a poção e coisas do tipo xD)
Vi que tu é brasileiro então vou comentar em português mesmo.
Acho incrível o rumo que seu jogo está tomando, meus parabéns! E simplesmente amo o estilo dos personagens, bom demais. A cada atualização melhorando muito, estou adorando acompanhar.
Confesso que me deu motivação pra continuar o meu próprio jogo, um dia quem sabe tomo vergonha na cara e público ele também.
🤗 Força! Dou todo apoio! Se quiser ajuda em alguma coisa, pode falar comigo xD
\o/ E obrigado 💛
Tremenda obra maestra,20/10 y God🗿
😳👉👈 Thank you so much 💛
how do i unlock the masturbation scene?
Creo que tenías que tener 50% de lust.
Has esto:
siempre que puedas intenta darle un abrazo (no me recuerdo pero creo te de deja abrazarla 3 veses al día) (asegúrate primero de tener un love algo alto para que no rechace tus abrazos) como también interactúa con ella de noche (para ser más exacto come con ella lo que activará un mini evento lo cual te dará más lust)(ese mini evento también activará lo que estás buscando - mientras cumplas el lust requerido)
ohh gracias/thank you
JAJAKJSJ muchas gracias no se porque tengo un fetiche con la gotica culona JAJAJ XD
I really found all the minigames too difficult. In this type of game, I don't know if I want to have a difficulty barrier in the parts where the game shines. Besides that, I think the cast of characters is very good, I'm just a little disappointed that the game goes in a more echi than hentai direction. For me, it's a waste. In short, a lot of cutcharra and lenga lenga for very little action.
😅 Yeah, the hentai progress of WelCUM To The City is intended to be really slow, sorry ;u;
🍷🗿 But consider playing the ones recommended on my collab list! There are very fun games with awesome H scenes!!! I think most of them you'll LOVE! ^^
Release ur games on steam
o/ On the plans! ^^ Thank you!
Enjoyed the game so far (especially art), but what should i do after visiting a doc? i completed day 1 and 2 and unlocked 5 school characters, but that seems to be it.
(playing 0.18.0 btw)
It should unlock the first "bang scene" when you pass on swimming pool area xD
By the way, the game update right now and there should be some more stuff! ^^
are there cheats available at all? paid or otherwise?
Cheats? No…? If you have some skills, try to change the game’s code (change the lust and everything). I’m just saying. I don’t have experience in these stuff
There's cheat available for the Big Tier on Patreon and SubscribeStar
how many h scenes are in this game?I almost max out most characters and only like 1 of them outside of doc and sex-doll has a h scene, which is the fat girl during tutorial. how do I unlock the rest?
Just the ones showed on this page images. Stepsis requires high lust during her hang out at night, and the senpai girl requires you to complete the main storyline content first to unlock sex-doll characters.
Respondan con un yeah si quieres que el creador se apiade de nosotros y que agregue escenas H con la mamá de nuestra amiga XD
Yo voy primero
Otra cosa: Me gusta tu juego bastante y espero que agregues muchas cosas.
Nose va a poder porque no se va a incluir ntr
Eso todos lo saben - solo subí ese comentario para ver cuántos querian que el PJ también tenga dichas escenas.
De por si el creador ya dio el comunicado que no se incluirá en ningún momento.
If there'll be H scenes of her, it should be with her husband 😁😁😁
how do you get more money
how do i do that? pls help
So I'm playing on mobile, everything goes smooth and then I get to the "receive your exams results with (doctor name)" and I just can't figure out how to get The results, I've waited days and checked everything at the school, is there supposed to be a new "fast travel" option and my games broken or am I just stupid
Yes, there is one that appears on the early night of week days. Just go to facade of the maps at 18:00 to 19:00.
I saw this game through another site that had an ipatch and am curious about where to put it?
No idea what is iPatch and even less how to put, sorry ;u;
Is the futanari optional?
Actually, there's none, but it should be optional when there is
If I buy the early access, i will pay for him again? Maybe I'm making a outdated comment, but it's necessary.
No need. You can download through an email you receive from Itch ^^
How many sex scenes are in this version?
Just the one showed as GIF here on the page
Oh boi
Can't wait
-got lose in thought
Ive looked at the comments and seeing so many people having trouble with the game crashing or lagging makes me laug concidering ive never encountered either and im on android Lol
Yeah, I usually test it in a kinda old phone before releasing the game. It usually crashes just when I leave and return the screen.
Glad to know it doesn't happens with you 🙏 I usually just know if something is working well when there's no comment saying it doesn't. So thank you for letting me know! xD
Yeah, no problem! Awesome game btw, love it!
crashes during first doctor/cousin visit
If an error appears, please show me it here or on discord 🙏
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/scripts/Scene/Scene - WCOU.rpy", line 1524, in <module>
NameError: name 'hvrj_quest' is not defined
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "scripts/Scene/Scene - Day 1.rpyc", line 148, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/Action.rpyc", line 2311, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/Action.rpyc", line 2311, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/Action.rpyc", line 2311, in script call
[Previous line repeated 1 more time]
File "scripts/Mechanics/Action.rpyc", line 2295, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 11, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 599, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 11, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 599, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Scene/Scene - WSIS.rpyc", line 526, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 890, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 120, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 173, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 11, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 599, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 11, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 599, in script call
File "scripts/Scene/Scene - Day 2.rpyc", line 276, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/Action.rpyc", line 4277, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/Action.rpyc", line 4277, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 11, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 599, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 11, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 599, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 11, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 599, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 11, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 599, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
[Previous line repeated 2 more times]
File "scripts/Mechanics/Action.rpyc", line 1204, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 120, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 173, in script call
File "scripts/Chat/Chat WSIS.rpyc", line 162, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 71, in script call
[Previous line repeated 1 more time]
File "scripts/Mechanics/UI.rpyc", line 59, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 11, in script call
File "scripts/Mechanics/GameCheck.rpyc", line 599, in script call
File "scripts/Scene/Scene - WCOU.rpyc", line 1334, in script call
File "scripts/Scene/Scene - WCOU.rpyc", line 301, in script call
File "scripts/Scene/Scene - WCOU.rpyc", line 1524, in script
File "D:\Games\Visual novels\W2C-0.18.0-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 2115, in execute
if renpy.python.py_eval(condition):
File "D:\Games\Visual novels\W2C-0.18.0-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1092, in py_eval
return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
File "D:\Games\Visual novels\W2C-0.18.0-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1085, in py_eval_bytecode
return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/scripts/Scene/Scene - WCOU.rpy", line 1524, in <module>
NameError: name 'hvrj_quest' is not defined
Windows-10-10.0.19044 AMD64
WelCUM To The City 0.18.0
Thu Nov 7 17:59:08 2024
it keeps crashing
😭 Sorry, I'm out of ideas for optimization.
i wish i get to play the full game soon really fun and cool game love it
😍 Thank you so much!
bro, when will the download problem be solved?
I wasn't able to download the current public version from the itch.io desktop app. It only shows the 17.1 available. I had to log into itch.io's website to download the 18.0 update
I usually remove the outdated version to put the new public version in its place. 🤔 Maybe it's a cache problem on the desktop app? I don't know ;u;
Nah the game’s too complex for that. And it takes too long to complete the game, so playing on browser is not the best option (I don’t think you can save)
It's like IntenseLag said. From what I saw, web browser doesn't allow some features. I'm already having too much of a headache trying to optimize for mobile 😂😂😂