Hey I got a question, how do I recover energy for the sex scenes? Maybe there is an answer in the game and I didn't read it but I'll ask anyway since I don't lose anything like I'm always with the Lower energy on the sex scene
Not a big fan on the art but its growing on me. Love that you have an intro song! The other music is great too! Would you consider adding any sleep related events? I see you state no sex without consent. So maybe something like you got permission beforehand? If not i understand its your game. Regardless, ill be keeping an eye on this one. keep up the great work!
I got so mad when I realized that I had finished all the content. I didn't realize how early it was in development because it was so perfected, hate when that happens. Update you fiends!!
whenever i have sex with the locker girl my charisma ends up going down and i don't think that is supposed to happen. Is there any fix for this or do I just have to avoid her if i don't want my charisma to plummet
Acabei de jogar a versão 0.23.1. Sinceramente eu demorei pra jogar essa atualização pois já sabia que nada teria mudado. Eu espero que por Deus as próximas atualizações não tragam nenhum personagem novo, nem nenhuma mecânica nova, nem nenhum minigame novo. E sim o mínimo de desenvolvimento pros personagens principais. Essas coisas não são importantes, só tomam tempo de desenvolvimento e fazem com que o jogo nunca progrida. Já tem quase um ano que eu jogo e não tem uma gota de conteúdo relevante desde então. E se for pra implementar ou atualizar alguma mecânica nova, só espero que retire o minigame H, pois simplesmente tira a imersão da cena.
Desculpe mas vocês perderam muito tempo fazendo um monte de nada, o jogo não está construindo uma base sólida, são apenas mecânicas irrelevantes e zero progresso.
For some reason the sleep quest is still not working, I slept on Sunday and nothing happened? is there a specific thing we're suppose to do to other than then sleep for it to work?
can i give a recomendation? What if When manipulation and the gossip mechanic become avaliable, if we tell your preference to one caracter, she will tell to another caracter and then if you say something diferent to that other caracter both will think that you are lying... BUT, if you have manipulation 1, you can say to one caracter that the other is a liar and that caracter will not believe anymore in the other caracter, but if you say to a caracter that a good friend of that caracter is a liar, she will have less chance to believe you OR will not even listen to you, and if that happen both will think you are a liar and will lose some love and intimacy with you and maybe that could unclock some chat topics. (Sorry if my recomendation is confuse, my english is bad)
how do i access the stretching game? And also how do you obtain a job? Only the supermarket and the school is available to go so idk where i would get a job?
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Hey I got a question, how do I recover energy for the sex scenes? Maybe there is an answer in the game and I didn't read it but I'll ask anyway since I don't lose anything like I'm always with the Lower energy on the sex scene
why do hugs and greetings decrease charm?
Okay, I just downloaded it and started the game, you won me over with that intro, I'm gonna love this for sure
is there a way to get intimacy with a school character faster? I've been grinding to get to 10% and it seems to take forever
I wonder how to i fuck my mother? And when would I get called by my auntie?
Sigmund Freud kind of mindset
şu türkçeyi düzetlin
Are there any sex scenes actually implemented yet outside of the cousin?
How do you save your progress so that you can update it and transfer the progress to the updated one
Not a big fan on the art but its growing on me. Love that you have an intro song! The other music is great too! Would you consider adding any sleep related events? I see you state no sex without consent. So maybe something like you got permission beforehand? If not i understand its your game. Regardless, ill be keeping an eye on this one. keep up the great work!
I got so mad when I realized that I had finished all the content. I didn't realize how early it was in development because it was so perfected, hate when that happens. Update you fiends!!
Your in for a long ass wait for the juicy content. i estimate this project wont be complete for at least 3 years given the current progress.
Please add something for the stepmother in the next update no hurrys too but please kikliiii6f3f3yf3y63gf3y3y2tf2zf2tf
Does the free version isn't full gameplay?
whenever i have sex with the locker girl my charisma ends up going down and i don't think that is supposed to happen. Is there any fix for this or do I just have to avoid her if i don't want my charisma to plummet
Who can tell me how to buy version 0.23.1
Como conseguem falar que esse jogo está traduzido para português???
Acabei de jogar a versão 0.23.1. Sinceramente eu demorei pra jogar essa atualização pois já sabia que nada teria mudado. Eu espero que por Deus as próximas atualizações não tragam nenhum personagem novo, nem nenhuma mecânica nova, nem nenhum minigame novo. E sim o mínimo de desenvolvimento pros personagens principais. Essas coisas não são importantes, só tomam tempo de desenvolvimento e fazem com que o jogo nunca progrida. Já tem quase um ano que eu jogo e não tem uma gota de conteúdo relevante desde então. E se for pra implementar ou atualizar alguma mecânica nova, só espero que retire o minigame H, pois simplesmente tira a imersão da cena.
Desculpe mas vocês perderam muito tempo fazendo um monte de nada, o jogo não está construindo uma base sólida, são apenas mecânicas irrelevantes e zero progresso.
Please someone tell me how to unlock the girl we can have h scenes with in the lockers?
You have to complete the last chapter the You go to the pool after 18 And boom You got it
Bro I seriously love this game, please never give up on it.
For some reason the sleep quest is still not working, I slept on Sunday and nothing happened? is there a specific thing we're suppose to do to other than then sleep for it to work?
haven't even started yet, but from the start song, I'm going to LOVE this game
can i give a recomendation? What if When manipulation and the gossip mechanic become avaliable, if we tell your preference to one caracter, she will tell to another caracter and then if you say something diferent to that other caracter both will think that you are lying... BUT, if you have manipulation 1, you can say to one caracter that the other is a liar and that caracter will not believe anymore in the other caracter, but if you say to a caracter that a good friend of that caracter is a liar, she will have less chance to believe you OR will not even listen to you, and if that happen both will think you are a liar and will lose some love and intimacy with you and maybe that could unclock some chat topics. (Sorry if my recomendation is confuse, my english is bad)
How do you do BOTH the best friend and step sister quest on Day 1?
You don't.
You can't do both on the same day, but there are alternate ways to progress for the one you don't pick
Thank you so much for telling me.
This game is very good, it has only gotten better since I discovered it by chance. Congratulations.
How do you access the new junk?
depending on what new junk. if you mean the goth girl, you gotta pay 9 bucks, and the current update is just some fixes for Bugs and UI
Anyone new the new code for 0.22 ?
go to the schooland right by where you go to your classroom to the right there should be another class press that and go sign up for a job. @Hank8
how do i access the stretching game? And also how do you obtain a job? Only the supermarket and the school is available to go so idk where i would get a job?
I have tried to to find the new character but it doesn't show how you do it or how you can find her
it doesn’t show or tell me about the new Character that is out. I think it’s bug cause I cannot find the new character at all
I'm just go an all place but there no goth girl
If anyone is wondering the game is pretty good but there's only like 2 nsfw scenes and then it's all just repeat stuff and long running quests
Por qué me pasa esto soy de móvil
Why does this happen to me? I'm a mobile user
I dont have any quests after unlocking all the girls, is that because im on the public version?
Добавьте по возможности русский язык. Заранее благодарю
Need more content asap
Really want to like this game but the mini games are terrible and everywhere.