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I rarely write comments on such games, but this game... is very good, considering that it is still in development. Maybe someday I'll even specifically buy the paid version of this game

P.S. Will there be support for different languages in the future?

✨👌😌👌✨ In a very very very soon future!

Thank you! 💛💛💛


Can you make a ipa file of the game?

(1 edit)

🤔 Oh, it's for IOS, right? Sorry, I tried and couldn't find a way. From what I remember, it'd be due to a term from the operating system that wouldn't allow engines from another operating system to export games to IOS :c

I believe there's some kind of emulators, but I'm not sure if it's good or not :p


How do you mute text and make it appear all at once?

On settings:

Text & Dialogue -> Practical

Audio Volume -> Character Voice -> 0

First one has to slide character voice to 0, because when you select "practical" text & dialogue then character voice slider disappears. In the end text is muted. Good enough, thanks


i dont know how to proceed i get the same scenes from the start of the game and do the grocery store scene, then it says game comepleted how do i access tthe other scenes like the school, handjob, and the childhood friend on your lap?

🤔 Hmm... Not sure, 'cos it should be after the grocery store scene.

If you loaded a save file from a previous version, maybe it loaded the previous script instead of the current one, so probably you can solve it by starting a new game or maybe just loading a previous scene.

If your game is not updated, just download it again.

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi, I love the art style of the game. But I've been trying to play this game since 2 days and I'm not sure how to start the game. 

I click on "new game" and it asks me to fill the names of the characters and the places and I just click on "generate". And I fill my name and pronouns for mom, grandmother, sis & cousin sis. 

But after that I don't see any option to go further and start the game. There's an arrow mark under the game characters but the arrow mark doesn't seem to work for me. Please help me out regarding how to start playing this game 🙏

Pic: what do I after this? I can't go any further & start the game.

Just spend your points on the stat you prefer 💛


Quando vai ter em português?

é vei, acho que nós br vamos ficar de vácuo como sempre kk

(1 edit) (+1)

😔👉👈 I'll try to translate to HU3BRish 💛


thank you very much! many Brazilians are enjoying your game 😄😄😄😄


Great game fr, when will the next update get released

Thank you! I put the schedule idea here on the page description! ^^


I love it game

🤗 I'm glad you enjoyed! 💛


Hello, is there any impregnation content yet?

😁 Sorry, I'm not sure if it will have


The game looks amazing, shame you are using Patreon. Any chance of getting a Subscribestar as well at the very least?

I believe I'll focus on just 1 platform. I chose Patreon for being better known (and cos I already had an account 😁😁😁)


It might just be me but the mobile version keeps crashing and very often, to the point it's irritating to try to continue playing, I hope this might just be a bug because i want to try the game

🙏 Sorry for that.
;u; It took me a looong time to know that some Ren'Py export settings was leaving the game poorly optimized for mobile. But I believe that I managed to adjust it on version 0.8, so it may be smoother next time you play.


It's my first time playing this game and I really liked it I would like to know if there will be more scenes with the girl with the purple hair and the one with the yellow shirt? And another question, will this game be the same as most games, for example, you unlock point with character and you can ask them for things, for example, handjob or show your breasts or will there only be these scenes in the story?

🤔 What I planned wouldn't be exactly a request from the protagonist, but it also wouldn't be so different from that. Basically, the greater the intimacy with the character, the more things together they could do. 

😁 The main storyline have more content for now, but it should have more characters storylines as well.


And this game is really nice, can't wait to see it progress, but from what I was able to play, there isn't much to do when the 1st day of school comes around.


Thank you! 💛

;u; Yeah, it's still on early stages of development


Jjust wanna say (might be a skill issue tbh), but on mobile, the fight minigame is super tough and strict with the time. Maybe on PC I could, but not on mobile.


I should adjust the difficult to 1 button only for a future update 😁


This game is probably one of the best novels I've ever played. Your artstyle and lore-creating abilities are peak. This is the only visual novel I am hoping won't get abandoned. Wish you goodluck!

(If my english is quite awful, then I am sorry)


🤗 Thank you! 💛
✊😎 No plans to abandon, only to finish!


Out of curiosity, what version of Renpy is this made with



interesting.. dowloading...

I hope you enjoy ^^


how much content is in the paid version compared to the public access of the game? Is it vastly more the public access version? Or does it only cover the cousin's part of the story? Id loove to support such an amazing game honestly

🤗 Thank you! You can compare contents in the changelog and see if it'll worth it for you 💛


Whoops my bad, i didnt see the changelog, thanks for reminding me and replying!


bro update the game please!!!
tbh this game really impressed me from the story and good character. The game has many option make player to choose it's really fun. Nice UI works looks very clean but still some bugs but i don't really mind
if i have money i could support this game very much
very nice game ! must play but please im broke i want to play the lasted version of the game

LoL 😁😁😁 Thank you! I'm updating every month ^^ You can see the schedule explanation here on the page.


I cant get the code from the character creator game to work. i type it in exactly how it says to and it still doesn't do anything

🙏 Sorry, it's my fault. Forgot to update the code. Just type:


thank you


does it have to be step? is there an option to make it related? if so I'll buy the game right now


No, sorry 😁 There's just treatment names to represent that MC "call them as if" they were blood related.


Great game! The name generator was briliiant, this was the first game that I played that had that. Although... that cliffhanger on the public version, really annoyed me BUT great game nonetheless!


The science of marketing is to give your customers juuuuuust enough to want more. If your thoughts were "Oh come on!" then it had it's desired effect, you'll either wait for the next update with bated breath or pay the 9 USD to get the EA version.

I fell into the latter orz....Willpower: 0

✨✊😔✨ Exactly! That's the power of super stonks!!!


Wow, sister is very cool, I would like to see more content with her in the near future!!!

Thanks for the work, it is not often possible to write something positive to the authors, but there is definitely + respect 

I'm waiting for updates :)

Thank you! 💛 There'll be more content with her \o/


ok so i need some help. i played through this update again and i like the changes like at the start where you can jut make everything like you want it from the start, and the state system is really cool too. but did you remove some parts?

like when the MC talks to step-sis abt the incident thingy or when they have a swing scene after the shopping. are those still there and i missed it or did you just remove them?

Yes, you're right! I'm reworking the step-sis storyline, so the content will be added based on the progress so you can better feel the character development.

The park scene is already back in the version 0.8. The dialogue about their past must be coming back in the future, probably as a scene too ^^

Deleted 14 days ago

😦 Wow! Sorry for that, I didn't know about this bug. What's the game version? Does a error message appears? Does it just crash? Could you send a image of the error so I can check and fix, please? 🙏

Deleted 14 days ago

Why do i have to restart the whole game to play the new update? Is there no way to load an old save?

You can, but it may get errors some times, cos I'm adjusting old codes and it may have things missing if you load a file with an outdated version of the script :p Then, it's not very recommended.


i uninstalled the game like a month ago. wtf new content? at this rate ill have to get patreon

🤣🤣🤣 LoL Thank you!
I update the game at the end of the months ^^


Vai ter alguma promoção de Natal? USD$9 é muito convertendo para BRL$44,30 🤕. Help the brazukas 😵‍💫🇧🇷

It'll be free soon 💛


Like i said the fastest developer in town :)

I love your work and i hope you continue uploading better content like this <3

🥰 Thank you so much! 💛


Hello creator, youre doing an amazing job with this game. Keep up the great work and make sure you take care of your mental heath😊

🥺👉👈 Thank you so much for your words! 💛💛💛


When and how can you take more pictures with your phone?

I didn't add so many acquaintables through gameplay so far. But there are some that you can get from a code I put in Kawaii Character Creator game browser. It adds about 2 or 3 pages of pictures :)


downloaded it for the fap, stayed for the story

nice character development

nice art style



Thank you so much! 💛💛💛

(3 edits) (+1)

Hey, Avadom here :D, don't know if you remember but i got problems downloading the game a few months ago, i got the problem (my internet) and i can just say that the game is marvelous, the progression is very intuitive, the characters are just the best of the best, the funny moments here and there, just *chef kiss*

But a while ago i wanted to propose an idea, don't know if someone said this but i'll say it anyways.

I noticed that you have a chibi kawaii character creator, and you are making a game with the same artstyle, so maybe for a future update or side feature you can make so you can export your characters from the creator and import them on the game, like, on the creator you can make every pose and expression for the dialogues, and if possible the scenes (wich i don't know if it's possible) and make the game more customisable, but that's just my opinion, keep the great work and i wish to see more of this amazing game :)

(Sorry for the bad english btw ) :l

💛w💛 Thank you so much for the comment!!

About the implementation of player characters, that's something I really would like to do but still have no idea how 🤣

I'm still learning to code. Maybe in a later future I can think in a way so that it's possible without slow too much the progress or make the game too heavy

As one wise man said: "Steady but slowly it's the way" 

So, thx for your time and hope you learn a lot of coding from the development of this game so my idea becomes reality. Love your work 💞 keep it this unique and special 🤗

para cuandp ecenas h que lleva 40 dias desde la ultima udate

(1 edit) (+1)

Loved this game, hope when the 0.7.0 will get out of early access 🤔

\o/ Coming soon! Thank you :3



I like this game. I also Love the art style❤️

🥰 Thank youuu 💛


One question before I spend some money on the game: how many erotic scene are there in this game and how long will it take to play the whole game? I think it seems to have more than “a few minutes”

🤔 I think the game currently has less than 2h of gameplay, with just some "flashes" I'd say, but still no H scenes so far.

Ok, I downloaded it and I saw what you said. But what do you mean when you said the gameplay has less than 2h? It doesn’t seem that long.

Well, then it's really less than 2h :v

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