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Fun game, u need to try it.


Thank you! 💛

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I absolutely LOVE this! It's so good, too bad there's still not much content but we'll be waiting for it! Also I've seen your pie diagram and I think the comedy segment in the 'expected' should be at least as big as it was in the 'current' one... More of this hilarious and silly humor please XD


Thank you so much!

\o/ Humor must be always there 💛


add more delay to the fighting please.

(1 edit) (+2)

I think the delay increases the higher your PHY is. 

Yeah. If you have higher PHY, it probably would get quite easier.


I guess that we will have some fetishes, dialogues sais something about that. Girls in the future will have some physical changes as the story progress? Or im just overthinking stuff?


No they won’t. You are just overthinking. It might be an idea for the future tho

🤔 If it's about changes on the character design, I don't know yet.

If it's about changes in the story, like a character adding piercing or changing hair dye, maybe just in very late future, cos the amount of things to draw would increase xD


I love how incredibly THICC all of the characters are. Truly the icing on the cake.

👌😌 Most of them are: thick thighs & slim waist


Guys be patient for the sex part, you gotta build up to it you know, do y'all want a quality sex game or a quick fap?

🥰 Thank you so much! 💛

That's exactly the idea I have. I believe that if it comes out of the right moment in the story, it could end up ruining it.


;-; For now I'm experimenting with some alternatives to develop faster.


any idea which update you wanna add hentai?

upd 505

is this confirmed by the dev(s)?


Just a random number

I don't really know. But there's the doctor part.

When we gonna f all of them! BRING THEM HERE!!!!


Next few update. You are overexcited lol

;-; I wanna reach this part on the development


Cute game. Dig it a lot.

Thank you! 💛

Just wait, is there a cheat in W2C for Android device?


Cheat code. One on quiquersson’s other game, one for those on patreon


is there any sex  scene or not? 

its getting boring and repetitive but still fun

can anyone help me


There’s only half-sex scene at the hospital. H-scene are expected to be released in next updates

wdym "half sex scenes"??

(1 edit)

There’s an picture of it on the game’s page. Literally the first one


ohhh oof imma wait i guess

Yes, this is the only one for now :p



Chinese is updated on version 0.13 :)


(1 edit)

Scott Pilgrim look different

😂 Nahh, maybe one day I'll reach that level xD



Sorry, this content doesn't exist yet. I'd like to create a system where the character's hands moves according to the touch/mouse, so I have to learn a few things beforehand, to make it really neat :p


A little help please, I can't press the arrow button after putting in my name and other details to continue the game. Do I have reinstall??

(2 edits) (+1)

There’s small plus button to click to insert the main character charisma, strength or intelligence. It’s on the main character. There’s an example. Scroll down by 2 post from this

Yeah, it's probably that. I tried to make it more visible on version 0.13 xD


Something i will say about the description; when you say "almost incest (almost)" the term you're looking fir is inseki. Just trying to help a bit

Ohhh! Cool! A japanese name for relative by marriage, right?

Yeah, step siblings/parents, in laws, stuff like that


Jogo esse jogo desde a primeira versão e não sabia que meu mano era BR, ai da mais vontade de jogar ainda 👍

Vlwww 💛💛💛


What is this language. I pretty sure there’s an option to change that


Chinese bro

(1 edit)

If it's about the language, you probably activated Chinese on the settings. You can just change it in the main menu (it should be the 4th option xD)

If it's about you being stuck in this part, you probably just need to choose a name for your character before passing to the next part and starting the game :)


i cant do step 2 for pink haired girl, just says shes asleep the whole tim

I did some tests and found a way that it doesn't work. Which basically occurs when you play the Step 1 more than once (on different days) and don't play the Step 2 after the day after the one you played Step 1 for the first time

🙏 Sorry for that. I should be fixing this bug for version 0.13 (;-; cos I still couldn't do it for version 0.12)

If this was the case for you, here are some temporary fixes:

  • If you played the Step 1, don't play it again on another day before playing the Step 2, or the Step 2 may be unavailable after that :p
  • If you played the Step 1 just once, you can wake up at 6am and go to her room and it may work, even if it's not the following day.
  • Consider that choosing step-sis at the first game night and do a late night stack with her will trigger the exactly same scene (Step 1)

If it's not the case, please consider giving me some more info:

  • The version you are playing
  • Which girl you chosed on the first game night

cant remember who i chose for game night but i was playing on 1.11, the version the browser gives you from itch, but thank you for looking into it!

is it possible to go back to the hospital and repeat the h scene again or no because ive been trying for a while to go and do that scene again but havent been able to so far.


Quiquersson said not yet, but there will be in the future

Yeah :)

What should i do after day 2 ? , i already did everything like invite sis to watch tv and the other girl joined us , and the night snack sense. What next?

yo how do i complete step 2 for the snack, it only says shes asleep when i try to go to her room the next morning

Same thing happened to me , but when i downloaded the new update i played the game from the beginning and it worked normally, i think it was a bug or something

If there's nothing left on the list, you probably finished all the game's current content.

I think that too, thanks


Oigan alguien sabe cuál es el código secreto que aparece en el teléfono que está dentro del juego?


There's a code for bonus gallery images available in my browser game, Kawaii Character Creator. And a cheat code available on my Patreon.


Nice picture


Hi! I'm not really sure if its just me, but whenever I help the step-mom with her stretching, The menu always says I haven't done it yet? Am I doing something wrong or it just a bug?

I'm not even sure if i need to complete that to progress the story, CAN I progress the story? Or is it suppose to be like that until the new version comes up? I'm so lost

Please help me T.T

Hi! Sorry for the check bug, I'll take a look on that.

But don't worry, cos there is no content for stepmom beyond what is on the list, and there is no continuation for this part yet. This scene is kinda prototype for a more interesting story in the future.

You've probably completed them all ^^


Thank you so much! I'm glad you took the time to respond to me, That's really helpful! I guess I'll just sit tight and wait for the next update ^^

(2 edits) (+1)

So there's a really weird bug where I set names for everyone, set my stats, then when I try to start the game I click the arrow icon multiple times. Each time I click it changes the first name for one of the girls to be the same as another, and will only let me start the game when almost all of them have the same name. I'm using the same family name, so I wonder if the game is trying to match "family name", and thinking that should be first name instead of last?

Edit: Just tested, even with different names I get the same issue. 

I'd like to play it, but I honestly don't feel like it if everyone will just show up as having the same name

😱 Sorry for that. I didn't know about this bug.

Is it from the version 0.11? If so, it must be probably fixed when you play the following version, cos I reorganized the naming code to check if characters have the same name and don't allow it.

🤔 But if you're playing version 0.12, maybe the problem would be exactly the reworked system.

Criador teria alguma chance de ter uma rota harém ou seria escolha única?

O plano principal é harém. O jogador escolhe se quer todo mundo ou não :)

deveras interessante obrigado pela resposta 


Damn,this game improving a lot

🥰 Thank you! 💛


When to include erotic scenes

Don't know yet


You may have forgotten me, but I've been lurking since 0.1, so glad to see it developed to this point, I'm still gonna save this up tho, I don't wanna be cliffhanged, I know you'll make a great game! Keep up!

🤗 Thank you! Will do my best 💛

(1 edit) (+1)

DUDE!!! THE INTRO/MUSIC IS AMAZING!!, it feels like those anime slice of life, which is AWESOME! You may still updating the game, and no sex scene, but the music, oh my.. The music is so wholesome and horny. Here's hoping it wont take long to an actually sex scenes, but until then, I'll wait. Good work, keep it up. 

🤗 Thank you so much for this feedback! 💛
I hope I won't take too long to make those scenes ;-;


Is there a way to go back to the doctor's office after you've already been there once?


Not yet, but I intend to make it available in the future.


Are you horny cuz you downloaded this? Or you downloaded this cuz your horny


What is this. And why you post this

Nah, I'd cum


I have a question, if I pay the 9 dollars, will I receive the full game? or will I have to pay 9 dollars every time there is a new update?

Once i think. I have never paid for the game

The payment is not one-time purchase, it's just for the current version.


i love it

Thank you for the feedback! 💛


i paid two separate times because i didnt pay attention to the fact that you have to pay $9 to get the full game. any way i can get the full game i can show that i paid the $


Hi, no problem! I checked it here on the dashboard, and saw your payments. I'll send you an email to your account address, ok?


thank you. i need to pay attention more lo

Are there any s-scenes?

No :c

Why does my game is in 0.10.0 version when I want to download latest version 

If you're seeing it from the android apk info, don't worry, cos I probably forgot to update the number.

You can check what version the game current is in the about session on the Main Menu. If it's not 0.11.1, tell me please! 🙏


Oh ok thanks you . It's 0.11.1 on the menu dont worry . Will the 0.12.0 version will be free and if yes when? and I love your work by the way 🔥

^^ Yes, the update schedule is explained here on the game page.

It’s that time of the year again

(3 edits)

No it's not

I don’t even need to click the link to find out what it is. Or whatever it can be.

Take a guess

真的没有作弊吗 总之做的可以加油吧  毕竟免费一切小毛病都可以理解


can i update instead of redownloading the game

(1 edit) (+1)

Not possible

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