hey, why does the rich girl have such a different artstyle every time I see her? Is there any way to make her keep to only one appearance? I prefer the big eyebrows look on her personally.
O jogo é maravilhoso! Até agora, só encontrei dois bugs. O primeiro é na tradução para português, onde algumas falas aparecem em inglês. O segundo é no minigame H, onde o jogo demora muito para responder aos comandos do meu mouse. Porém, esse talvez seja por causa do meu PC, que é meio fraco. Tirando isso, o jogo é incrível!
Já que estou aqui, gostaria de perguntar algumas coisas. Não sei se você pode responder por achar que seriam spoilers, mas aqui vai:
Você pretende deixar de adicionar alguma personalidade dere ou vai incluir todas?
Vai ser possível trocar os penteados das garotas? Eu gostei bastante da Rich Girl com cabelo solto.
Quando poderei encher de socos o meu rival? Só poderemos lutar com ele no minigame de luta? No geral, gostaria de saber se na próxima atualização já haverá algum minigame novo.
Você pensa em adicionar um sistema de calendário que traga eventos, como Halloween e Natal?
A escolha do MC já ter tido uma namorada é importante para o jogo? Por exemplo, se eu escolher que sim, essa "namorada" pode aparecer ou ser mencionada mais vezes?
As meninas do conselho estudantil serão namoráveis? E será que poderemos comprar roupas para para as meninas?
No geral, essas são minhas maiores dúvidas. Tenho outras, mas prefiro não deixar este comentário muito maior. No geral, o jogo é maravilhoso! Gostei das personagens e a comédia é ótima. Parabéns pelo trabalho no desenvolvimento do jogo e muito sucesso para você!
OBS: Caso você ache que o comentário ficou meio "robótico", é porque pedi para o ChatGPT arrumar os meus erros de português, já que o texto estava cheio deles
As traduções nem sempre saem no tempo certo, então, geralmente fica faltando coisa ;-;
O minigame H tá na lista de coisa que pretendo melhorar. Vou pensar em como deixar otimizado também. Obrigado! xD
Não pretendo colocar yandere, de tanto que eu odeio 😂 Mas talvez mude de ideia se achar uma maneira de deixar divertido e não muito pesado.
O plano é que elas mesmas mudassem dependendo de dias, lugar, ou, aleatoriedade mesmo
Sobre porradaria e minigames, a idéia é que as cenas iniciais não tenham requisitos de atributos pra funcionar bem (que é o porquê de eu ter tirado o minigame de luta), e quanto mais pro final, mais tenha conteúdos que requiram um nivel maior dos atributos, pra não punir os jogadores no inicio, já que não teria tido tempo de upar.
Por enquanto eu tô lutando contra o tempo pra conseguir fazer os updates com mais conteúdo, quando eu estiver vencendo essa luta eu pretendo colocar esses eventos legais sim xD
Excelente pergunta! 💛 Nesse jogo, quero deixar o mais próximo possivel de uma "roleplay". As escolhas do seu background que você conta pro NPC podem ser a sua verdade... podem ser mentira... Você escolhe. Mas ficam registradas na "memória" do NPC. Por enquanto eles não fazem nada com essas informações, mas futuramente podem lembrar e comentar com você, ou com outros NPCs sobre essa mesma história, e ambos confirmarem que você falou isso pra eles também, ou talvez algo como... "🤨 pera... pra mim ele disse outra coisa", onde tudo levaria a consequências 😁
A menina de lacinho do conselho estudantil provavelmente deve ser adicionada ainda esse ano como personagem namorável, a lider vai demorar um pouco e ainda não decidi sobre. Considere dar uma olhada no Roadmap que eu postei aqui no Devlog do itch.io pra você saber mais! ^^
Hi there, i buy the game to be exactly the 0.21.0 because i like the little bit of gameplay i play in the public game but to be
but to be honest I just want to see the +18 scenes and I don't care about the story and I saw that there is a cheats option but I saw that you can only get it through patreon, by any chance since I have 0.21. 0 does it not already have the cheat codes?
And I hope so because that's why I just bought it on itch io because I wanted to see the scenes and I saw that the cost of the biggest patreon membership costs the same as the game, or well I don't know how it is in the United States but here in Mexico 9 dollars is right now 180 pesos and that's what the patreon membership costs
no, you can only buy the patroeon for cheat codes. also if im correct the only h-scene you can access early on is the girl at the pool at 18:00, but i dont know if it has been fixed yet
Cheat codes are planned as rewards for montly support of big tiers of SubscribeStar or Patreon, but by purchasing the game from itch.io, you have all future early access updates by a one-time purchasing.
About the content, it's the very same game. Don't worry.
If you couldn't access the sex scenes, consider updating the game to version 0.23. There's a bug fix that allows you to proceed the main storyline, what should unlock a bangable girl.
Sorry. That's a bug ;-; I fixed it in version 0.23.
As a temporary solution, you can try to increase the intimacy point with another character instead of the girl with red glasses (WDIS), she's probably the one with a bug on the checking code :v
Class president (WPRE) and pervert dude (HPRV) should be the safest try (I guess), but others may work too (I guess).
Consider joinning our discord and sending me a message there if you need ^^
Okay, idk if it s a bug or just something unfortunately skipped. But the audio effect for when youre having dialogue or text on screen, is ABYSMALLY loud and no audio setting adjusts the sound of that? On top of that there is no actual text/dialogue options other than names, so skipping the loudness with the "skip unseen text" choice isnt a thing, since the pacing of the text is just. Slow and unadjustable.
Sorry guys. That's a bug ;-; I fixed it in version 0.23.
For now, consider trying to increase the intimacy point with another character instead of the girl with red glasses (WDIS), she's probably the one with a bug on the checking code :v
Class president (WPRE) and pervert dude (HPRV) should be the safest try (I guess), but others may work too (I guess).
Consider joinning our discord and sending me a message there if you need ^^
Sorry guys. That's a bug ;-; I fixed it in version 0.23.
For now, consider trying to increase the intimacy point with another character instead of the girl with red glasses (WDIS), she's probably the one with a bug on the checking code :v
Class president (WPRE) and pervert dude (HPRV) should be the safest try (I guess), but others may work too (I guess).
Consider joinning our discord and sending me a message there if you need ^^
I wish there were more interactions with classmates, 'cause the "hang out" button is almost a decoration and you can't do much more than greet them, but the game is very good and entertaining, keep it up brother
Just wondering iv bene playing the v20.1 for an estimated totale of 10 hours and still no intercorse scense. Just to know Who are the girl that u can have intercorse scene with and also Who are the girls that u can have a scene with them but no intercorse o and how do i get dates
So far the only things you can do is get a HJ from your cousin who's also the doctor, and I think after you tutor someone you can fuck the black girl at the courtyard, I don't even think we get any interactions with her, it might just be to test out the sex mechanics. TBH wish there was a Auto fuck feature.
There is though? When you're on the screen with the bangable girl about to do her, there's a button next to the one that makes you penetrate her. It takes inspiration from your previous session to do it at a similar pace.
Yeah I just learned about that, the second time I was with her. I can't wait for an update where we get a lot more options in terms of girls, I needs me the Best friend and Mom!!! And the glasses girl obsessed with your best friend too!
How do you get her horny? Is that even possible in the free version? I thought about doing the paid version because I heard it has a few more scene but I'm broke as a joke about to croak 😂
I can't tell if you're trolling me or not, because every time you try to hug her she gets really mad. Something I almost immediately learned in the beginning of the game after I learned you can hug mom an infinite amount of times. God love her!
I've been playing for maybe a few weeks now and have made a lot of progress, but why is it that sometimes when I'm interacting with several characters suddenly an error appears that displays what looks like script data?.
Can you make a slight change to the story? I think it's a bit dumb that the MC is effectively a super human at the cost of his Sperm no longer working ( reminds me to much of the Fallout super mutants), it would make a bit more sense that the docousin gives him an experimental serum that results in his sterility, with a side quest helping Docousin find a cure down the line. This potentially could lead to different difficulties as you could tie taking the serum with increase gains to int/str and energy increase, refusing the serum of course means slower gains and with the MC no longer being sterile that would affect sexual relationships i.e refusal unless condom is used, potential of pregnancy ( not sure how to interpret it into the story unless it's counted as a ending). Also can you please change the sex mini game, Its just not that good unless you can do precise mouse movements.
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do we have an eta on having a h-scene with WSIS or WNEI
yes, for anyone that sees this and asks if theres any more h-scenes, just look in the files and look at the textures to see if there are any
Yes, consider checking the roadmap I posted here on devlog :)
hey, why does the rich girl have such a different artstyle every time I see her? Is there any way to make her keep to only one appearance? I prefer the big eyebrows look on her personally.
It's because hé decided to remake her but didn't update all the scene and sorry for thé eyebrows hé finds. It not good looking.
Exactly 😅
🤔 Do you guys prefer the thicker eyebrows for her? I thought it didn't fit well, so I left it thin so she looks more like a "princess" xD
I changed her appearance and still didn't update everything :p
🤔 Do you guys prefer the thicker eyebrows for her? I thought it didn't fit well, so I left it thin so she looks more like a "princess" xD
for me it's just a personal thing because I like girls with thick eyebrows. 😝
O jogo é maravilhoso! Até agora, só encontrei dois bugs. O primeiro é na tradução para português, onde algumas falas aparecem em inglês. O segundo é no minigame H, onde o jogo demora muito para responder aos comandos do meu mouse. Porém, esse talvez seja por causa do meu PC, que é meio fraco. Tirando isso, o jogo é incrível!
Já que estou aqui, gostaria de perguntar algumas coisas. Não sei se você pode responder por achar que seriam spoilers, mas aqui vai:
Você pretende deixar de adicionar alguma personalidade dere ou vai incluir todas?
Vai ser possível trocar os penteados das garotas? Eu gostei bastante da Rich Girl com cabelo solto.
Quando poderei encher de socos o meu rival? Só poderemos lutar com ele no minigame de luta? No geral, gostaria de saber se na próxima atualização já haverá algum minigame novo.
Você pensa em adicionar um sistema de calendário que traga eventos, como Halloween e Natal?
A escolha do MC já ter tido uma namorada é importante para o jogo? Por exemplo, se eu escolher que sim, essa "namorada" pode aparecer ou ser mencionada mais vezes?
As meninas do conselho estudantil serão namoráveis? E será que poderemos comprar roupas para para as meninas?
No geral, essas são minhas maiores dúvidas. Tenho outras, mas prefiro não deixar este comentário muito maior. No geral, o jogo é maravilhoso! Gostei das personagens e a comédia é ótima. Parabéns pelo trabalho no desenvolvimento do jogo e muito sucesso para você!
OBS: Caso você ache que o comentário ficou meio "robótico", é porque pedi para o ChatGPT arrumar os meus erros de português, já que o texto estava cheio deles
Obrigado pelo comentário!
It just means that the translation is not complete. You can still help to translate.
Huh where I can find cheat codes ?
buying the patreon
Hi there, i buy the game to be exactly the 0.21.0 because i like the little bit of gameplay i play in the public game but to be
but to be honest I just want to see the +18 scenes and I don't care about the story and I saw that there is a cheats option but I saw that you can only get it through patreon, by any chance since I have 0.21. 0 does it not already have the cheat codes?
And I hope so because that's why I just bought it on itch io because I wanted to see the scenes and I saw that the cost of the biggest patreon membership costs the same as the game, or well I don't know how it is in the United States but here in Mexico 9 dollars is right now 180 pesos and that's what the patreon membership costs
no, you can only buy the patroeon for cheat codes. also if im correct the only h-scene you can access early on is the girl at the pool at 18:00, but i dont know if it has been fixed yet
Cheat codes are planned as rewards for montly support of big tiers of SubscribeStar or Patreon, but by purchasing the game from itch.io, you have all future early access updates by a one-time purchasing.
About the content, it's the very same game. Don't worry.
If you couldn't access the sex scenes, consider updating the game to version 0.23. There's a bug fix that allows you to proceed the main storyline, what should unlock a bangable girl.
咋取名字啊 我搞不懂
I don't understand a mission it tells me to sleep I sleep but it doesn't complete the mission why?
Sorry. That's a bug ;-; I fixed it in version 0.23.
As a temporary solution, you can try to increase the intimacy point with another character instead of the girl with red glasses (WDIS), she's probably the one with a bug on the checking code :v
Class president (WPRE) and pervert dude (HPRV) should be the safest try (I guess), but others may work too (I guess).
Consider joinning our discord and sending me a message there if you need ^^
How can I play version 1?
That was a good question! xD
I was thinking about putting it on Patreon. Since you're asking, maybe I'll leave it there for free :)
Why do languages other than English not display text in dialog boxes
;-; Cos I usually don't have time to send updated dialogues to translators.
How do i get the cheat on
Okay, idk if it s a bug or just something unfortunately skipped. But the audio effect for when youre having dialogue or text on screen, is ABYSMALLY loud and no audio setting adjusts the sound of that? On top of that there is no actual text/dialogue options other than names, so skipping the loudness with the "skip unseen text" choice isnt a thing, since the pacing of the text is just. Slow and unadjustable.
Go down and touch mute all, then you select what you want to hear, sorry for the bad English.
Thank you so much for mentioning a solution! The beep sound bug is now fixed from version 0.22 :D
;u; Sorry for that. It's fixed in version 0.22.0 Thank you for your report!
How do I jerk off in my room?
Idk? If you can't lock your door...Pray. GL.
The game doesn't have this content... 🤔 Do you really think I should add?
Wouldn't hurt.
oh ai sim em n foi o update de natal mas foi de ano novo ta valendo kkj XD
continua com o bom trabalho seu lindo ^^ <3
💕🥺👉👈💕 Obrigado! 💛💛💛
Teve um de natal e um de ano novo, mudando a tela do menu inicial xD
XD kkkkkkkkkk boa, esperando ansiosamente as proximas atualizaçoes :D
I added some small optimizations in most recent updates. Consider updating the game and seeing if it's working better for you ^^
Thank you!! 🙏
The android version continues to crash at random times and I constantly have to restart over and over again
There is an autosave. I found that to be helpful with this bug.
Theres an autosave? I didnt find one
"A" in page of savefiles. There's autosave. Yea, it's pretty helpful.
Yes! :D
The autosave tab is a standard feature in Ren'Py games. Thanks for mentioning it!!!
I added some small optimizations in most recent updates. Consider updating the game and seeing if it's working better for you ^^
What is the sleep quest? I sleep but nothing happens.
I am also stuck at the Quest "A new Journey" sleep
Sorry guys. That's a bug ;-; I fixed it in version 0.23.
For now, consider trying to increase the intimacy point with another character instead of the girl with red glasses (WDIS), she's probably the one with a bug on the checking code :v
Class president (WPRE) and pervert dude (HPRV) should be the safest try (I guess), but others may work too (I guess).
Consider joinning our discord and sending me a message there if you need ^^
Sorry guys. That's a bug ;-; I fixed it in version 0.23.
For now, consider trying to increase the intimacy point with another character instead of the girl with red glasses (WDIS), she's probably the one with a bug on the checking code :v
Class president (WPRE) and pervert dude (HPRV) should be the safest try (I guess), but others may work too (I guess).
Consider joinning our discord and sending me a message there if you need ^^
¿Cómo actualizo el juego? (PC) Soy nuevo en esto.
Just need to remove the old folder, download and play the new one :)
I wish there were more interactions with classmates, 'cause the "hang out" button is almost a decoration and you can't do much more than greet them, but the game is very good and entertaining, keep it up brother
Thank you!!
More interaction should be added soon. Consider checking the roadmap I posted in devlog if you're interested in know more or leave more ideas!!! ^^
Just wondering iv bene playing the v20.1 for an estimated totale of 10 hours and still no intercorse scense. Just to know Who are the girl that u can have intercorse scene with and also Who are the girls that u can have a scene with them but no intercorse o and how do i get dates
There is though? When you're on the screen with the bangable girl about to do her, there's a button next to the one that makes you penetrate her. It takes inspiration from your previous session to do it at a similar pace.
Yeah I just learned about that, the second time I was with her. I can't wait for an update where we get a lot more options in terms of girls, I needs me the Best friend and Mom!!! And the glasses girl obsessed with your best friend too!
If you make your stepsister horny enough then do the snack thing she will masturbate but yeah that seems to be all
How do you get her horny? Is that even possible in the free version? I thought about doing the paid version because I heard it has a few more scene but I'm broke as a joke about to croak 😂
you just hug her a lot, thats how i got it to work (install an autoclicker if you dont have the time)
I can't tell if you're trolling me or not, because every time you try to hug her she gets really mad. Something I almost immediately learned in the beginning of the game after I learned you can hug mom an infinite amount of times. God love her!
When you finish the main storyline content you unlock a bangable character.
Game crashes for me after I met the third character with blonde hair (android)
I added some small optimizations in most recent updates. Consider updating the game and seeing if it's working better for you ^^
This game have a really big potential and i hope we will see full version soon. Btw, is there any chance to see Russian language?
Thank you! 😎 Russian language added.
Latest Android version won't even open for me.
I added some small optimizations in most recent updates. Consider updating the game and seeing if it's working better for you ^^
You rock! <3
I've been playing for maybe a few weeks now and have made a lot of progress, but why is it that sometimes when I'm interacting with several characters suddenly an error appears that displays what looks like script data?.
And where the futanari character?
What version and what progress did you have?
the futa character is coming soon
I fixed a few errors in the most recent updates. Maybe it should be working well now ^^
About the futa character, should take a while :p
If you're interested, consider checking the roadmap post I did on devlog to show my plans for the game.
The "cute beep sounds for dialogue" are making me deaf. None of the volume options are working for it.
just turn down the volume of the application if nothing is working
Fixed in version 0.22.0 Thank you for your report!
Game always crashes after a certain amount of time on Android version, idk if there's a bug or my phone isn't strong enough to play this game
Hi, sorry for that! :p I'm still trying to find better optimization improvements. But, not my best skill xD
I added some small optimizations in most recent updates. Consider updating the game and seeing if it's working better for you ^^
Well it crashed again, but it lasted longer than the last time so you're probably doing something right.
may just be me doing something wrong but i cant seem to gain a lot intimacy with anyone looking for some tips much appreciated
just spend a lot of time with the person, hug them and give them gifts and do anything you can and eventually you will get max intimacy
It's like bro said here :)
Intimacy grows by spending time with a character. The fastest way may be with tutoring classe, if available.
How do you change or get different personalities
For now, the only way is by choosing how you call stepmom and stepsis, and by choosing the options in the prologue.
Can you make a slight change to the story? I think it's a bit dumb that the MC is effectively a super human at the cost of his Sperm no longer working ( reminds me to much of the Fallout super mutants), it would make a bit more sense that the docousin gives him an experimental serum that results in his sterility, with a side quest helping Docousin find a cure down the line. This potentially could lead to different difficulties as you could tie taking the serum with increase gains to int/str and energy increase, refusing the serum of course means slower gains and with the MC no longer being sterile that would affect sexual relationships i.e refusal unless condom is used, potential of pregnancy ( not sure how to interpret it into the story unless it's counted as a ending). Also can you please change the sex mini game, Its just not that good unless you can do precise mouse movements.
Thank you so much for your feedback!!
Sex minigame should be improved in a few updates ^^
Is the content not finished or is my game bugging on the "a new journey" quest, it tells me to sleep but each time I sleep nothing happens
Sorry for that. From what I saw in the other comment, it seems that a save conflict occurs.
If you're playing from a loaded game, consider starting a new one and it should work.
Else, check if you're in a weekend, since doctor's office is only available on weekdays.
I startet my first game on 0.21.0 and i am also stuck on "A new journey" at the step sleep.
On the map there is no Doctors Office available, whatever that means.
Is there going to be any sleep content since we're able to go into the step sisters room?
Player and some girls can sleep together in the future :)
Game looks cool
Thank you! Glad you liked! ^^
out of curiosity is it possible to date all of the girls and how do you initiate that? I have a girls love maxed yet an option doesn't appear.
There's no much content yet. You probably did everything available :p
I am vengance